#32 The Jubilee Allstars – Without You

Calling your latest album ‘The Struggle Continues’ might be admitting defeat, but hey it worked for Snow Patrol! The Jubilee Allstars have been knocking around the Dublin indie scene for a decade now but despite local critical acclaim they have failed to incur even a smidgeon of sales. This is a shame because the McCormack siblings are a talented lot. Ok, the vocals may be ropey at times but that is a bona fide plus when you hear their lo-fi countrified compositions. Back in 1996 it seemed as if they were truly onto something special. The ‘By The End Of The Night’ EP was their third release but it set out the blueprint for their glorious ramshackle approach. All 4 songs revealed an innate quality in the songwriting even if the playing was occasionally so hushed it could have backed a nursery rhyme. ‘Without You’ is sung by Niall with such heartbreaking passion it’s easy to forgive the less than perfunctory drumming. The guitars twinkle about for all their worth to boost the atmosphere, so much so that you’ll end up feverishly flicking through that little black book to find that number that could’ve changed everything. Go seek and make them stars. KD

The Jubilee Allstars – Without You

Album: By The End Of The Night EP
Year: 1996
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