Don’t despair Delgados fans, Stars are here to provide plenty of solace. Every inch a doppelganger for the recently departed Scots, Stars have mastered the art of the boy/girl vocal interplay and by the look of their second lp ‘Set Yourself On Fire’ they are not scared to throw in the odd lush string. ‘Ageless Beauty’ is as ethereal as a Cocteau Twins tune played at 78rpm, Amy Millan does her best to sound as fragile as possible amid the volcanic guitar eruptions all around her. Her precious utterings gel seamlessly with instruments that bandy about with all the joy of a freshly dechrysalised red admiral on a summers morn. Yet another affirmation of Canada’s swaggering music industry which made it 2005 most precious source for engaging artists. KD
Stars – Ageless Beauty
Album: Set Yourself On Fire
Year: 2005
Buy: Set Yourself on Fire
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