#285 Hockey Night – Who We Are

If you are into thrills that come completely free (and more importantly in mp3 format) then you’ve got to head over to Daytrotter. You see each week the lads over there have guests that come in and record a session with them. The results are available for free download at the site and to date there are about 30 to choose from. From what I’ve heard so far the quality is uniformly high but a couple stand out. Both Erin McKeown (’28’ is a slow burner but boy does it pack a punch) and Hockey Night might not yet be household names but by the sounds of them it won’t be too long in coming. Hockey Night’s ‘Who We Are’ initially has a Rolling Stones feel to it, due in part to Paul Spranger’s Jaggeresque drawl but pretty soon the band start to furrow their own groovy textures. Laidback and boasting near baggy rhythms this could rescue any indie night from the clutches of ye old standard alternative anthems. So kudos to Sean and the team at Daytrotter for what looks like the start of something special. KD

Hockey Night – Who We Are

More Info: Hockey Night @ Daytrotter
Year: 2006

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