Anyone who calls one of their songs ‘You Sank My Battleship‘ deserves a lifetimes respect in my book. Ok, it may have been a war game made up of inexpensive plastic pieces and cheaper tactical options but boy did it enthral a country boy for one whole Christmas time (only Tank Command holds fonder memories). Thankfully Brooklyn’s (is Brooklyn the New Canada or the New Sweden for New Bands?) irresistible concoction known Cuckoo Canoe float my boat in many other ways. For one they seem to have absorbed ‘Is This It?’s sense of immediacy and added their own sweet range of melodic twists (some choice Glockenspiel too). The effect is a bouncy, happy record called ‘Basketball Freedom Overdrive’ to be released later this year. ‘Alaska Wolf Slay’ is one of the standouts and boasts a frenetic sense of adventure, chirpy chords and vocals that matches the slacker cool of Pavement’s Malkmus. This is as catchy as a catch bar caught up in the twisted remains of a junkyard cot. Expect parts of ‘Basketball Freedom Overdrive’ to appear on indie compilations for years to come. KD
Cuckoo Canoe – Alaska Wolf Slay
More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Album: Basketball Freedom Overdrive (soon)
Year: 2007
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