Eberg – Love Your Bum

Dedicated to anyone out there who’s still in love despite the recent passing of Valentine’s Day. Eberg is an Icelandic electronic kid based in London. He’s received some UK airplay and has an album called ‘Voff Voff’ (I’m sure your local HMV counter assistant will be very helpful) from which this golden number has been taken. Eberg manages to talk in romantic terms about a beautiful part of the body without ever sounding creepy, a notable achievement and one that may afford would-be amateur Lothario’s a potential soundtrack to work their magic. And just when it was all going so right for Eberg the OC did their thing and picked up on his ‘Inside Your Head’ and his fate was sealed. Whether he can recover from this is open to question but his impressive range of cute audio should see him in good stead. And why aren’t Andrex banging down his door, puppies (and the OC) are so yesterday. KD

Eberg – Love Your Bum

Watch The Video To Sober in June

More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Album: [UK] Voff Voff [US] Voff Voff
Year: 2006

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