Remember when Spirtualized (Electric Mainline) chimed so pristinely on their debut album ‘Lazer Guided Melodies’? Jason Pierce and co. repeated the trick on the follow up ‘Pure Phase’ but for the quintessential early Spirtualized experience it’s got to be their debut. Knocking about around the same time as that record was Southampton’s Jane Pow and while ‘Warm Room’ may not be wholly indicative of their back catalogue it is nonetheless a shimmering delight (it was released on indie label Slumberland records (geddit!) which is still very much awake). Richard Starke’s vocals have that Field Mice awkwardness about them but the swaying riffs will take your breath away. If you like taking a trip down Jangle city then why not indulge yourself by staying in the warm room of the downtown Hilton. KD
Jane Pow – Warm Room
More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Album: [UK] Love It Be It / Stare [US] Love It Be It!/State
Year: 1991
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