Beauty is in the ear of the beholder I guess because I may be alone in thinking Should’s ‘One Two Feet’ is quite masterful. Dischordant, off-kilter and falling over the edge at every turn it is a gripping listen. Taken from the bands post-shoegaze 1995 album ‘A Folding Sieve’ it is actually a reworking of a song from Kiwi band the Jean Paul Sartre Experience. ‘Sarah Missing’ finds itself in much more familiar shoegaze territory but that doesn’t make it any less special. The boy/girl refrain and out of focus grandiose chords are just the tonic for fans of the scene that celebrated itself. Should (*2) have a new album out later this year on the increasingly influential Words on Music label. KD
Should – Own Two Feet
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Should – Sarah Missing
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More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Album: A Folding Sieve
Year: 1995 & 2002
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Good stuff, glad to hear that a new release is due out this year!