I adore post-rock but the sudden noisy bits sometimes have an unstabling effect on my senses. I’ll give you an example, Explosions In The Sky’s otherwise shimmering ‘Yasmin The Light‘ harbours a shocking bolt of white noise that never fails to have me jumping from the comfort of my armchair. Once expelled the tune resorts to type and chimes ever so prettily like all good EITS’s tunes do. Codes In The Clouds’ ‘Fractures’ (a b-side from their ‘Distant Street Lights’ single of last year) has similar ambitions but thankfully the loud moments won’t necessarily lead to hearing loss and seeing as they are from Kent they probably have more than enough space to let rip. It all starts out so chimingly, chords are tinkled delicately while a hit-hat is gently brushed which to all intensive purposes means we are witnessing that tried and trusted post-rock calm-before-the-storm trap. And when it arrives the storm is as electric as you wished it would be. The band put it best by admitting that they ‘like making pretty music that can explode at any second’. KD
Codes In The Clouds – Fractures
More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Songs: Codes In The Clouds
Year: 2007
I agree whole-heartedly. I adore a good chunk of Yasmin the Light, I just wish I could adore it all.