Cowbells will probably never go out of fashion once there are cows or at the very least a NYC band called Professor Murder stalking the earth. The band have a penchant for liberally lining their tunes with the instrument and it adds the requisite madness to what is already a ramshackle jamboree of sound. Must sound particularly satisfying within the sweaty environs of a tight venue when the punters are in the mood for shaking the trials of a working week from their hair. ‘The Mountain’ is a track from their 2006 release ‘Professor Murder Rides The Subway’ and is an eerie approximation of what Clinic and the Gossip would sound like after a couple of minutes in a high powered blender. This a jaunty and bone shaking piece of music that is out of step with current trends and all the better for it. KD
Professor Murder – The Mountain
More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Songs: Professor Murder
Year: 2006
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