The Blue Aeroplanes – Fun

While ‘Jacket Hangs‘ is undoubtedly their classic the Blue Aeroplanes had a career that was scattered with gems. And they were quite capable of ditching their low-slung signature guitars for an altogether lighter approach as witnessed on single ‘Fun’ from 1992. The vocals on this occasion came from guitarist Rodney Allen rather than mainman Gerard Langley with the result that ‘Fun’ skips along with unbridled joy. Putting a fine chorus in the opening bars certainly helps but there is much to saviour besides. ‘Fun’ was taken from the album ‘Beat Songs’ which included a major hit for the band in their cover of Paul Simon’s ‘The Boy In The Bubble’. In the end though the Blue Aeroplanes had to make do with becoming part of that select group of ‘influential’ groups with R.E.M. amongst others members of their devout following. KD

The Blue Aeroplanes – Fun

More Info: Allmusic & Myspace
Buy Songs: The Blue Aeroplanes
Year: 1992

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