There ain’t nothing like it on earth and from March 18 to 22 the eyes and ears of the world will descend on Austin for the annual creative behemoth that is SXSW. Over the next few days I am going to run the rule over exactly 1267 mp3s that are scattered around the music section of the SXSW site. I’ll be then picking my favourites and in many cases I’ll be going on initial impressions rather than the more longwinded aproach I normally adopt. Overblown and effusive text will be replaced by a neater digest format, which will leave more room for the music. So let’s steam ahead!
Twee indie pop never sounded so good.
The Peekers – Gather It All
Jaga Jazzist meets Lemon Jelly meets the future of electronica.
Arms And Sleepers – Butterflycatcher
A deliciously aloof singalong swirling in the night sky.
Virgin Passages – Distance
Note perfect and already on the lips of the scenesters.
Buddy – Is It Cold In Silverlake
Remarkably different sound from deepest Russia, it’s all in the exotic voices.
Alash – Bashtak Joke
Major post !
I am delighted by the Alash track. The vocal stylings are indeed fascinating, but I think the delicately-plucked strings give this one its magic. I’m glad you shared this one; Alash is headed to lousy ol’ Wisconsin next month and I think I’m going to go see them.
love the Alash track