And so it goes and this most precious Pittsburgh band goes all soft centred and release a song that could yet be soundtracking the next Bond movie. Anyone who has heard their debut album ‘Meal Ticket To Purgatory’ (it’s on indiecater folks so no excuses!) will know what a colossal proposition they are. But ‘Lovely In Akron’ seems somehow restrained, it still has randomness poking out at obtuse angles but the intense experimentation has been tempered a tad. Not that it dilutes the shock and awe though, nope ‘Lovely In Akron’ still stands head and shoulders above most other music being recorded today. Tamar Kamin’s vocals are as immense and welcoming as ever and the swirl of instrumentation is tailored with a master’s eye (you know who you are). The song will be one of several on the Van Allen Belt’s forthcoming sophomore ‘Superpowerfragilis’ and we gotta give thanks to Ben from the band for allowing us to share it with you. KD
The Van Allen Belt – Lovely In Akron
More Info: Official
Buy Songs: The Van Allen Belt
Year: 2009
What a great song, is there someplace to buy it.
Well, you can have it for free here but if you are meaning to buy it on physical media the album should be out sometime this year.