Pearse McGloughlin has packed a lot into his musical career. The Sligo man has been in several bands (only one of which I was aware of – Walkperson) but he rather wisely decided to go all eponymous on his new album ‘Busy Whisper’. And what an apt title it turns out to be as the softness throughout is punctured by McGloughlin’s strong vision. The album is soothingly even throughout with the vocals reigning supreme over the mild acoustics. ‘Long Day’ and especially ‘Changeling’ stick out as obvious singles. The latter is beautifully realised, with instrumentation that in many places rivals the words in the war for your affections. And Pearse is not resting on his laurels as he is currently penning a homage to the South Korean football team. KD
Pearse McGloughlin – Changeling
More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Songs: Pearse McGloughlin
Year: 2009
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