I’m funny like that. Christmas Eve and all my presents are distributed, 24 hours ’till birthday time and already I’ve handed over the goods to the nearest and dearest. So it should come as no surprise that tomorrow (not today) this blog turns half a decade. Yep, 5 years old and still crawling (the web). It’s at times like this that we feel as special as the lady in red, without the cheek to cheek action, highlights in our hair, smouldering frock or that annoying little 2-timing twerp obviously. I was going to pick a long list of fav tunes from our time with you but then I remembered what short attention spans you all have. Instead I’ve plumped for perhaps the saddest songs I’ve ever heard. It is also one of the most beautiful. Here’s to the next 5, hope it’s as much fun…..KD
The Late Cord – Lila Blue
More Info: Official
Buy Songs: The Late Cord
Year: 2006
Happy birthday! Five years in this quagmire, that’s no mean feat…congratulations on a truly original blog here amidst many pale imitations. Here’s to another five years (and more) of great tunes :)
Congrats Kevin!
Congrats, Kevin! Consistently great music selections. And a nice guy :)
Congrats, my friend! You’re one of the best music blogs on the internet, and for the amazing music you’ve introduced me to, I owe you big time.
Thanks all, very kind. kevin