I must be a patriot at heart because when something strikes a chord (or a key in this case) it makes it doubly nice to find out it comes from an Irish artist. The Casanova Wave is the work of Waterford man Brian McCartan, a relatively new presence who has already released a self-titled EP via Bluestack Records (also home to the promising Go Panda Go). The 5-track is not a universal success but in the title track and ‘Let’s Go…!’ McCartan shows he can really mix it with the best electronica has to offer. There is a hint of a non-vocal Super Extra Bonus Party (who have gone to ground it appears) on opener ‘The Casanova Wave’, a twinkling pre-summer stroll that is never less than smiley. An assured debut with occasional sparks intimating that something even better is on the way. KD
The Casanova Wave – The Casanova Wave
More Info: Official
Buy Songs: The Casanova Wave
Year: 2011
I recently discovered their track Kimota – i think it’s really good too.