Just back from a visit to the infrequently updated webspace belonging to Washington band the Roofwalkers and it appears as if something might be happening on the recording front. Good news for those on a mission to find the perfect jangle pop number. In a previous life, as Pagoda, this band gave us the faultless ‘Tear Down The Tents’ and not even a change of name could disturb their drip drip supply of wispy delights. ‘They Think They Own The Place’ might be moderately more abrasive, but only just, and hints at a band capable of extending their short ditties to something approaching epic psychedelic meanders. I do hope they make good on their promise and slate (!) in some recording sessions soon. KD
Roofwalkers – They Think They Own The Place
More Info: Official
Free Songs: Register Here To Get A Free Roofwalkers Album
Year: 2009
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