Rogue Wave – Endless Shovel

In the pantheon of indie rock classic’s Rogue Wave’s ‘Endless Shovel’ must come out near the top. It possesses all the elements of a winning tune, a flexible musical aesthetic, a chorus and bridge that bleed into each other and an overpowering feeling that an adventurous streak is being observed at all times. What makes the tune all the more surprising is that it comes from a relatively young band. ‘Endless Shovel’ sparkles with a knowing edge that you’d expect from industry veterans (Built To Spill, Sebadoh) yet Rogue Wave are only 2 albums in. The band have gone through a tough time of late with drummer Pat Spurgeon’s illness but thankfully things are looking better of late. Rogue Wave’s time will come and Zach Rogue will rightly be hailed as a Malkmus for the new millennium. KD

Rogue Wave – Endless Shovel

Watch The Video To Publish My Love

More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Album: Out Of The Shadow
Year: 2003

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  1. Anonymous
    March 22, 2007

    i totally agree about the band. i saw them in calgary, alberta, canada, and they were excellent.erm, one thing though…for some reason you got the band name right in the subject but what you call them in the post…it’s…well…a bit rough, don’t you think?

  2. March 22, 2007

    Oh you big rough Anon! Fixed that oversight, thanks.

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