It has been almost 2 years now since I started this blogging lark and although I was a ferocious hoarder of all things indie beforehand actually writing about the stuff has spurred me onto a different level of inspection. It’s funny how despite the thousands of mp3’s that have passed my aural gaze how one or two just refuse to budge from my consciousness. One of these is this song from a Swedish band called South Ambulance, a band I cherish but have failed to attain even a smidgeon of sales. ‘Die 5times Times 5’ will be with me forever as much for the shoegaze frontage as the absolutely venomous lyrics where the rejected party wishes endless excruciation on the triumphant Romeo. Try this for size ‘I hope you’ll never be, happier than me, I hope your flat burns down, I hope you 2 break up, I hope you lose you hair, though I wish I didn’t care, I know you’re fucked up, I hope they beat you up’. Ah such sweet maliciousness wrapped up in wonderfully realised boy/girl harmonies, riffs so well turned out you could put a top hat on them and they’d easily gain entry to a Gentleman’s club. If you can, love this band. KD
South Ambulance – Die 5times Times5
More Info: Official (wear shades) & Myspace
Buy Album: South Ambulance
Year: 2005
I love the harmonies.>>Haven’t heard lyrics this vitriolic since …Trail Of Dead.>>“If I made a list of all my mistakes and regrets, I’d put your name on top, And then a line after that.”