The Sea Urchins – Pristine Christine

Distil indie down to its purest form and out would pop the Sea Urchins. They were signed to Sarah Records and this song has the distinction of being the fabled label’s first release. ‘Pristine Christine’ has got the lot, the lo-fi fuzzyness, the fey boy vocals, the jangling guitars and the words about a girl who was just out of reach. I hadn’t heard this in years until I happened upon it quite by chance and suddenly realised how much I’d missed it. I’m sure the beauty could be lost on some but sometimes it’s the simple ones that become the most memorable. A glowing beacon from the past. KD

The Sea Urchins – Pristine Christine

More Info: Myspace
Year: 1987

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One Comment

  1. magø
    November 3, 2008

    Wow.I can’t tell you how many mix tapes I’ve put this track on since 1992!Now I’m gonna have to dig up all my old Sarah comps.Nice one!

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