Black Gold – Detroit

*** This is our song of the week (#3) and will be played on The Golden Maverick’s PowerFM show (99.5 FM) this Friday afternoon ***

Flippin YEEEES! This is flooding my head with happy inducing endorphins. What a chorus, what a rush (album title too), I wanna jump from our third floor balcony and don’t care whether the slightly brownish hedge fails to break my fall. Yeah, sometimes the music just takes me to another dimension, a place where the mundanity of life seems inconsequential. Black Gold are a relatively new Brooklyn duo who’ve had touring stints with among others Swervedriver and Ambulance LTD (bonus points awarded). ‘Detroit’ doesn’t reveal its most precious cargo immediately; it could even be regarded as sluggish initially yet this only underlines the thrilling centrepiece. I really am gonna pull a hamstring with all this jumping up and down. KD

Black Gold – Detroit

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More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Songs: Black Gold
Year: 2009

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