In a musical sense it must be tough coming from Denmark given that Sweden is in your backyard shovelling good tunes by the bucket load. That said when the Danes make bands they tend to be particularly brilliant (Mew for example). The same goes for Figurines who have been plotting world domination since the mid 1990’s via a clutch of great albums. If they’d come from Austin they’d already be in the hall of fame because their output is so universally high. They’re imbued with the spirit of punk no doubt but their songs are anything but snotty throwaways. I mean shouldn’t 2007’s ‘Hey, Girl’ already be on a million flippin’ iPods? It scatters its seed far and wide and hits the g-spot just as it is about to close up shop. They are undeserving of such short shrift so make your amends swiftly. KD
Figurines – Hey, Girl
Watch The Video Let’s Head Out
More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Songs: Figurines
Year: 2007
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