The Van Allen Belt – Over The Dream

The Van Allen Belt from Pittsburgh are a singular outfit and one we hold dear to our hearts. They even let us release their debut on indiecater last year and we know that some day it will be heralded for the genius piece of bonkers that it is. A knowing bonkers it must be said however because even if the shapeshifting drama knocks you off your feet the home truths in the lyrics will apply the requisite damp cloth to your sweaty forehead. And now and then the words are as hilarious as they are destined to hit the truth bullseye. ‘Superpowerfragilis’, the follow up to ‘Meal Ticket To Purgatory’ is no less dramatic than its predecessor and if anything is even more cinematic in its vision. Daytime radio this is not but it could quite easily fill the dark hours with an unparalleled soundtrack. Destiny is on their side and success will be theirs, so join up before it gets too crowded. Don’t believe me? Well then let the following piece open your mindsear. KD

The Van Allen Belt – Over The Dream

More Info: Official
Buy Songs: The Van Allen Belt
Year: 2010

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