The Ruby Tailights – High & Low

Where once stood Sunbear there then crouched the Ruby Tailights. The worrying word on the streets of Dublin are that the latter have ceased to exist. Would seem a thorough shame given the tunes that they have cooped up on their hard drives (with ‘High & Low’ being a prime example). They’ll probably hate me for making this public but this is just an attempt from a fan to get it in their thick skulls that a world without them is far less tempting. ‘High & Low’ is quite obviously still in a state of demo undress but boy is it appealing. It takes a real talent to cast such a melodic shadow and the Rubies still have it spades years after they were lauded from a stage by none other than Mr Sonic Youth. I can see a facebook group being formed as I write this, or at the very least a virtual punch from Martin. KD

The Ruby Tailights – High & Low

More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Songs: The Ruby Tailights
Year: 2010

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