Quite bizarrely it was Vangelis’ Chariots of Fire that Noah’s track reminded me at first, but then when you take a step back and take in the progressive movements of ‘Modern Ruins’ perhaps it doesn’t seem such an outlandish a comparison. There is fire and brimstone in output that is for sure, plenty of movements to calm us but then a volcano of noise that reaches for the rapturous. Not surprised that it was written in New York because it has a version of the city that never sleeps about it. No wonder the album it is housed on is titled ‘The Sleepwalker’. Noah Deemer has a rapturous piece of instrumental fluidity here, save for the wispy dah-dah-dah tumbles towards the end, and we are all the gleeful beneficiaries. KHmp3hugger’s best new music in our Fresh Indie playlist!More Info:Official Hear More Songs:Noah Deemer Year: 2024
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