#22 Add N To (X) – Robot New York

Your dad will probably think it’s a bad case of electrical interference so it’s up to you to inform him that it is in fact a rather fine cut from experimental electronic trio Add N To (X). Pioneers and founders of their own elaborate machines that make strange noises, they briefly sparked with the release of their ‘Avant Hard’ album in 1999. Their inventive sorties are often crammed with so many boxes of tricks it can sometimes detract from the magic of the tunes. ‘Robot New York’ is a glorious exception, however, as it plunders melodies from synths as bulky as concretes slabs. A digitalised human voice hums like a Dalek in the background reassuring the more timid listener that at no point have little green creatures taken over the bands London studio. So with Mr Moog sadly passing away this very year what better way to celebrate his life than with a tune from one of his many beautiful spawn. KD

Add N To (X) – Robot New York

Album: Avant Hard
Year: 1999
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