#198 Showroom – The Residence Of Ben

Such is the energy dispelled by Ben Hutchinson’s acrobatic vocal delivery and Rory Lindsay’s neat playing it’s likely you’ll start doing lots of funny things involving inanimate objects shaped like guitars in front of the nearest mirror. The ‘Residence Of Ben’ may be fleeting but its vibrancy is such that it will resonate within your psyche for days. As the cravings refuse to recede you’ll return to the Toronto band and gorge on their fabulously appointed debut ‘Still Escalator’ EP. If that’s not enough to soothe your addiction then there’s always their new LP ‘The World Is Too Much With Us’. Showroom create something familiar and comforting, curiosity will lead you to their doorway and once inside you’ll be hooked. Watch out Sweden, Canada is about to have its second coming. KD

Showroom – The Residence Of Ben

Showroom Info & Shop: Showroom
Album: Still Escalator EP
Year: 2005

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One Comment

  1. April 1, 2006

    fantastic choice…. one of the happiest, chirpy and ‘up’ songs i’ve heard in a long time…. will investigate this band further… thanks.

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