Boat – Last Cans Of Paint

Boat are based around the vocal talents of D. Crane. He put the band together after a move to Chicago didn’t result in all-things-going his way. Once back in his hometown of Seattle, however, Boat were soon releasing their maiden EP titled ‘Life Is A Shipwreck’. Things have gone swimmingly since then and their pithily titled new album ‘Songs That You Might Not Like’ is on sail now. ‘Last Cans Of Paint’ might not be the most crotch grabbingly exciting name for a song but buoy does it float my ship. This is quintessential indie rock; Crane possesses a wonderful morning after vocal tint and the music is just left of centre enough not to wear out its welcome after a weekend worth of listens. Shivers me neck hairs and…erm me timbers. KD

Boat – Last Cans Of Paint

More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Album: [UK] Songs That You Might Not Like [US] Songs That You Might Not Like
Year: 2006

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