Whilst falling in love with Band of Horses newest cut ‘Is There A Ghost’ I smelt the sound of something familiar. Those guitars while altogether fantastic recalled a memory from closer to home. It took a couple of days and then finally I copped it. ‘Time To Say Goodbye’ is the perfect closer for any Franks show as those choppy guitars suddenly lose the will to stay in control and throw caution to the wind. Like most of the band’s later material it works much better in a live setting but still retains many of the characteristics that make this band one of the most cherishable from the last 15 years. So as Band of Horses become your favourite new band of 2007 don’t forget their forefathers from down by the Lee. KD
The Frank & Walters – Time We Said Goodnight
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More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Album: A Renewed Interest In Happiness
Year: 1999
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