Ok, it may only provide a simple pastoral experience but my oh my ‘Another Hollow Line’ sure sounds comfy. And you gotta love any band from the fancily named village of Ashby-de-la-Zouch who started out by playing Ned’s Atomic Dustbin covers (talk about setting your sights high). Their exploits (never mind the decade long journey to this point) haven’t gone unnoticed either as their debut ‘Voices of Animals and Men’ made it onto the shortlist for the Mercury Music Prize earlier this year. ‘Another Hollow Line’ was never released as a single which is a shame because its gorgeous simplicity would surely have bagged the trio another batch of fans. As it is they ain’t doing too bad and we should be thankful for a group that at least attempts to stay grounded in reality (they launched their debut album at a garden fête!). KD
The Young Knives – Another Hollow Line
Watch The Video Here Comes The Rumour Mill
More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Songs: The Young Knives
Year: 2006
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