The emergence of the Dying Seconds was good enough news but I’ve been listening to Waterfordian the Bear People (Dave Grimes, thanks CB) all morning and I’m starting to believe there could be something of a new electronica movement happening here. That’d be nice because I had high hopes for the genre, which provided so many interesting albums in the early part of the century. Detailed information on the Bear People is distinctly thin on the ground save for the fact that Dave likes putting mixtapes together that lean towards the shoegaze end of things (wahay!). M83 tends to be an influence (he hates them) especially on the celestial breaching drone of ‘Guitar Static’, elsewhere a more clearly defined sequence of ideas emerges like on the mixed up vocabulary (and at times beats) of ‘Drunk Velvetsy Noodle’. ‘Song For Baby Bear’ shades it though amid the rumour that the Tour De France is on the lookout for a new anthem. KD
The Bear People – Song For Baby Bear
The Bear People – Drunk Velvetsy Noodle
More Info: Myspace
Year: 2008
hi >glad you like it. Did selda tickle your fancy at all. I can’t get enough.
That’s really good. Any stuff available to buy at all?
CB: Never heard that one, will seek it out.>>Adam: I’ve asked Dave to leave a comment here on where you can buy his stuff.
cheers if anyone liked this. i dont take music seriously enuff to sell it but if anyone want more, send me an email at myspace.wooooooooooooord