As dream line-ups go it ain’t too shabby, in fact the dreamy vocals from the Deheza sisters formerly of On! Air! Library! and ex Secret Machines Ben Curtis could just be about to snatch (hmmm, they’re named after a South American school of pick pocketing) your affections in a big way. The threesome are called School of Seven Bells and are operating out of that hive of musical endeavour that is Brooklyn. ‘Alpinisms’ is the group’s debut album and it is due out any day now on Ghostly International. ‘Connjur’ is a small peephole into what you can expect and as a fan of old skool Stereolab I am pretty taken with its imaginative flights of fancy. Wispy guitars and soft ethereal voices tend to take my head for a spin and this is a road trip I will be taking many times. KD
School Of Seven Bells – Connjur
More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Songs: School Of Seven Bells (soon)
Year: 2008
Wow. So beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes. Thank you.