Hot Lava – Mummy Beach

You know the way music from yesteryear sounds old and creaky? Well, Hot Lava are here to recreate the scene but with a contemporary feel. It has been done before of course but Hot Lava also see fit to include lots of pranking in their retro stylings. Their album ‘Lavalogy’ of last year was bedecked with charming nuggets, none more so than ‘Mummy Beach’ which could have your grandparents waving their arms in a slowly curving up and down fashion. Once you recover you can then begin to decipher the tin cup technology being used by the Virginia 4-piece. They may have abandoned their thrift store instruments but it still sounds like they’ve pieced their it together using a electrified string and several pre-electronic alarm clocks. Precious. KD

Hot Lava – Mummy Beach

More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Songs: Hot Lava
Year: 2008

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