Alice Rose – A Poem In Slow Motion

I checked online and $2 is exactly €1.59, $2 being the exact ticket price for Alice Rose’s second last show in Austin. For their CD launch they increased the admission charge by 50% to $3. Makes you wonder really how things are run on this side of the Atlantic. It was only at that stage that I discovered that the Alice Rose is actually a completely different entity to Alice Rose. The latter is in fact a Danish singer based in Cologne who undertook an ingenious project in early 2007 where she recorded a new tune for 21 consecutive days. Not surprisingly she called the album ’21 Days’ and in an act of symmetry she decided to only release 442 copies to the world. Not sure where ‘A Poem In Slow Motion’ fits into her discography (perhaps there’s a 3rd Alice Rose?) but it a delightful piece of indie pop. KD

Alice Rose – A Poem In Slow Motion

More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Songs: Alice Rose
Year: 2007

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