The crux of this wonderful tune reminds me of something else but I can’t pinpoint it, could be another Italian band. Le Man Avec Les Lunettes come from Brescia and are led by Alessandro Paderno. Prolific set they appear to be too with a great pile of releases put out since they formed over 5 years ago. ‘The Blogger And The Dandy’ appeared on a Series Two compilation from the band called ‘La Belle Epop’ and is a near surreal experience. At times it gets woozy, almost ragged yet the tune that pulls the levers is utterly captivating. I’ve had it on repeat for the last 24 hours and it’s still gently tickling my insides. KD
Le Man Avec Les Lunettes – The Blogger And The Dandy
More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Songs: Le Man Avec Les Lunettes
Year: 2008
This is great!