Walls – Burnt Sienna

You’ll notice how I’ve left out the the and how this is definitely not a pair of curmudgeons from the west of Ireland. Walls is in fact the Banjo or Freakout and Allez Allez separatists working as one. This is their only piece of originality so far but its shoegaze through a digital prism certainly has us gasping for more. This would need a room full of choking fog, a pair of shining miner’s hats and several hundred adoring onlookers to achieve its intended goals. For the moment though we’ll make do with the impression it creates on lonesome earphones. This batters like a force nine gale but while injury is unlikely it might just knock the stuffing out of you. KD

Walls – Burnt Sienna

More Info: Official
Year: 2009

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  1. March 28, 2010

    well i’ve just blogged about this too! great minds and all that eh? I have my mitts on the album mr hugger. and i gotta say it is potentially one of the most wonderful ‘noise’ things i’ve heard in ages. a complete grower

  2. March 29, 2010

    But do not so great minds think alike too? Oh, just remembered you are a doctor now so yep we’re great! Will have to get this album, this song reminds me so much of certain parts of Loveless.

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