The Walkmen – Stranded

Given that ‘Halcyon Digest’ is released tomorrow it might make sense for the rest of indie rock world to invest in jim-jams for a sensible early winter hibernation. Save for a few outfits that is, the handful that can successfully hold a candle to Bradford and his chums. There’s no denying the Walkmen fall into that category even if their pedigree of late might have dipped a tad. Let’s hope new album ‘Lisbon’ has the kids playing bows and arrows all over again. Things certainly sound promising on ‘Stranded’, which manages to sound regal while still exuding the classic Walkmen traits. There is the sadness, the little boy lost routine, which perversely ends up fuelling a grand triumph of the spirit. KD

The Walkmen – Stranded

More Info: Official
Buy Songs: The Walkmen
Year: 2010

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