Incan Abraham – Sunscreen

As time rolls on more and more bands throw in the towel on conventional releases. You know, those releases where the music is on pieces of shiny plastic that people pay exorbitant prices for. Of course the new supply chains will only get an act so far, free bandcamp downloads might see surf a triumphant wave of blog press but that don’t pay the bills. At some point the creatives will need to double back to convention or else tour until the van combusts in dusty nowheresville. Either that or get yourself on a soundtrack or award winning advert. For folks like us though, it’s a boon because the ones giving their music away are more often than not bright upstarts like L.A.’s Incan Abraham. Everything they’ve ever done (2 Eps) is there in full technicolour (go artwork!) and it won’t cost you an ounce of labour to own them. ‘Sunscreen’ from their most recent release is just a delight, like a slightly underperforming ‘Sweet Disposition’ with the Edge on chords (and that is a massive compliment in our book), it knocks out a least half a dozen neatly plotted ideas in just under 5 minutes. At various stages you can even taste euphoria. I’m sure lots of people will be paying to join in on the experience in the very near future. KD

Incan Abraham – Sunscreen

More Info: Official
Buy (!) Songs (soon!): Incan Abraham
Year: 2011

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