Solomon Grey – Firechild

I know, this could well be the Scissor Sisters with some of their geeky brothers supplying the admittedly fancy electronic noodling in the background. And don’t be fooled by websites that claim the band ‘is a Brighton based company selling hand painted and reclaimed furniture, boxes and other curiosities’ for that is not what they are. They actually comprise of Tom Kingston and Joe Wilson (faces unknown, even on the internet) who have previously set up shop in a remote Cork lighthouse before decamping to a farm in backwater Australia. The isolation has yielded a debut album, of which ‘Firechild’ is the opening salvo. And what a crafty and confident strut it exhibits, propelling the heretofore unknown duo into the arms of what should be a exuberant audience. Clubbers take note, googlers keep an eye out. KD

Solomon Grey – Firechild

More Info: Official
Buy Songs: Solomon Grey
Year: 2012

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