The Van Allen Belt – Songs

The Van Allen Belt

At this stage I have completely run out of superlatives to describe the wonderfulness of Pittsburgh’s the Van Allen Belt so from this sentence forth effusiveness will be in short supply. Oh fuck it who am I kidding, how can I muzzle a deep rooted belief that this group are one of the greatest living embodiments of musical endeavour on the planet. And their new single release ‘New Songs’ (on vinyl no less) does nothing to disprove the theory as it segues between genres in a wildly inventive manner. Tamar Kamin arrives in pristine condition via her time capsule from the 60’s while Ben Ferris tries to subdue a mind that is forever on the verge of spilling an overcrowded cargo of zany subplots. Of course they don’t sound like anything else, which probably explains why the vast majority of the populace run right back into the arms of something that is altogether greyer by comparison. Their time will come. KD

The Van Allen Belt – Songs

More Info: Official
Buy Songs: The Van Allen Belt
Year: 2013

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