Grounders – Crown Land


I miss the times when all my wife and I seemed to do was go and see Mercury Rev. It was during their most creative patch, circa ‘Deserter Songs’, and they seemed destined to visit Irish shores every few months. Our relationship with the band culminated in bumping into them in a darkened indie emporium, at which point out poured my heart. The sound they were pursuing at the time was the first thing that popped into my head when I listened to Toronto’s Grounders. A brand of psychedelia that is striking and for an act that is just coming out of the starting blocks (the upcoming ‘Wreck of a Smile’ EP is their debut, save for a a-side/b-side last year) that is indeed a better than decent result. KD

Grounders – Crown Land

More Info: Official
Buy Songs: Grounders
Year: 2013

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