Can you remember a time when you were young that you listened to a song and almost brought blood to your rewind finger due to the number of times you needed to hear it all over again? I mention this because this track belongs in a time of cassettes and magic listening sessions when songs were experiences to treasure and when something as rare as ‘She Spins’ came along you just had to relive the feeling over and over. LA’s Letting Up Despite Great Faults have been on our radar for quite some time but they’ve gone and got promoted to the premier league with this track, it is an mp3hugger bullseye, a 10/10, a jangling dreampop behemoth that we’ll treasure for the foreseeable and much more. Bliss. KH
mp3hugger’s best new music in 2022 playlist!
More Info: Official
Hear More Songs: Letting Up Despite Great Faults
Year: 2022
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