Aside from the odd slice of craft (check out the nimble guitar turns on ‘Oh No, Won’t Do’) Cud never really matured into enough of a prospect to produce a classic album. That said they did leave us with several pieces of sonic cotton wool. ‘Once Again’ is one such; supplying several minutes of tenderness through the gentlest of instrumentations and a vocal that is as effective as a head massage. The intricate playing is transparent enough to pick out the finger movements during the chord changes lending an added intimacy to the recording. Aside from the odd charged riff it’s the acoustics that drive the tune, a brief burst of strings is the only thing that raises the pulse of this even-tempered piece. Imagine a clear frosty morning where the birds have been replaced by a group of hushed players and you’ll get the drift. KD
Cud – Once Again
Album: Asquarius
Year: 1992
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