#246 Cheyenne – Houses

Beau Jennings is the captain of the Cheyenne ship of travelling musicians. He’s a gentle soul and his music bears that fact by displaying a soothing texture characterised by his soft vocals and intimate instrumentation. Cheyenne’s album ‘I Am Haunted, I Am Alive’ is a lost wonder from last year and contains at least one song that you will carry around with you for life. ‘Houses’ is so resolutely cute it could take the place of most lullabies. In fact its inclusion in a multicoloured wallpapered room with swinging basket and tiny tot could be what most parents would call bliss. Then again, it’s pretty much a treat for everyone. Ahhhh. KD

Cheyenne – Houses

More Info: Cheyenne
Buy Cheyenne’s: I Am Haunted, I Am Alive @ emusic
Year: 2005

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