Ready for something fresh and dynamic from Belfast? Escape Act are less than a year old but their debut the ‘Hot Air’ EP is the stuff of greatness. Spiralling guitars, neat melodic vocals and pounding rhythms come together to create a burst of exhilarating noise. The 2 outstanding tracks are ‘Corpses Candle’ and candidate for song of the year ‘Cabin Fever’. The latter is awash with jangling guitars, in fact when the momentum picks up it’s easy to get lost in a veritable blizzard of spiky guitar bursts (like the rapid fire Wedding Present of yore). And if that wasn’t enough lead singer Chris Heaney patrols the arrangements with the authority of an indie pop great. Potential fills the air, classics lie in wait, Escape Act have initiated their shimmering assault on the masses. KD
Escape Act – Cabin Fever
More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy EP: Hot Air
Year: 2007
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really like this group. a lot of potential in their sound.