Solander – Narcissus

There comes a time in every footballers career when he realises that he is never going to get any better, that the slow decline has set in and he is going to have to use his head to counteract the rubber joints of the young lads all around. It’s a difficult moment and one where it might be easier to throw in the towel and live off memories of the last 20 years of glorious distraction. There are other interests anyway, small people who call him daddy and enough new music to fill every day for the next decade. Songs like ‘Narcissus’ from Malmö’s Solander attempt to fill the gap and while the neat melodic turns hardly match the euphoria of victory they nonetheless tickle the spine. Yes, there is light, Northern light on this occasion, so moving on doesn’t have to be as heartbreaking as it might be. KD

Solander – Narcissus

More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Songs: Solander
Year: 2010

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