[April 2 Update: No Comments Succeed In Confirming The Worst April Fool’s Ever]
As some of you may know I left 9 to 5ness behind in January. This has meant a couple of things. First off less use of dax (blue tin version), inexpensive business trousers (penney’s finest) and footwear (hush puppies all the way) that while comfortable looked particularly ugly when twinned with our indie machinations. The downside of course is that those regular lodgements have ceased leaving the ever sleepless hugger in a fix mulling over schemes to keep the wolf from the door. Well, right out of blue last Friday a large and kind multinational offered to pay our way in return for heavy inline advertising. It was an offer too good to turn down so we’d like to welcome Unilever to our shores and issue a forecast to you that our tiny textual pieces may from this day forth contain the odd product placement. The music of course will remain, the words will ring true but you’ll have to make do with the odd pop-up, pop-under, pop-out and other assorted infomercial bolts from nowhere. We’re hoping this change won’t see our readership slimfast. Omo I hear you say, but hell man it’s still the same us. You knorr we won’t let you down and we’ll continue to have the same great blue band‘s as before from Ireland and across the pond. As my corkonian wife only said to me this morning we have to have a life boy. Here’s hoping you won’t axe us and you continue to surf by and at the very least we’ll be some sort of comfort to you. You can also be assured that back home on the ranch it’s domestos bliss for hugger and co. Now here’s something from the Vaseline‘s. KD
The Vaselines – Son Of A Gun
More Info: The Vaselines
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