Explosions In The Sky – Welcome, Ghosts (Adem Mix)

Much to my own disappointment EITS‘s ‘Take Care, Take Care, Take Care’ is not just doing it for me. I can certainly live with the same old sound but not without its beating heart. So in an attempt to relive former glories we return to 2007 and an reinterpretation of ‘Welcome, Ghosts’ by Londoner Adem (remember ‘Launch Yourself‘). Hard to imagine this music with its core elements surgically removed (the guitars), replaced by something less organic (the electronics) and still sounding immense but that’s the success of this reinterpretation. In many ways it has a Sufjan feel, complete with a seasonal blush, but then EITS use of glockenspiel leaves the door open for such eventualities. To heighten a sense of Sunday morning calm you can also hear a beautiful Adem original below. KD

Explosions In The Sky – Welcome, Ghosts (Adem Mix)

Adem – To Cure A Weakling Child/Boy Girl Song

More Info: Official
Buy Songs: Adem
Year: 2007/2008

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One Comment

  1. Gearoid
    June 12, 2011

    Only found this now so couldn’t listen to the linked song, but listened to the video and me likey. Kinda like a more upbeat version of “Godspeed…You Black Emperor”. Will have to check out their stuff.

    Always good to have Adem get a mention too, cos he can write some beautiful tunes (see “These Are Your Friends”, “Ringing In My Ear” or “Spirals”).

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