We’re hardly talking about a wholesale baggy revival but this and the rise and rise of Jagwar Wa could signal some fun times ahead, especially for early 90’s nostalgists like ourselves. ‘Blood Carpet’ is deep down and dirty, with leaden beats, a repetitive guitar line and a lyric sheet that is at the very least sullen. To sum up we just adore it, for it has the necessary pills, thrills and bellyache’s required to kickstart any Friday night of debauchery. Not trying to sound old and grey about it but Niall Galvin (of the London rather than the Kerry Galvin’s) appears from here to be the epitome of the precocious young lad about to take the world by storm. The real deal then, and that’s not just our predictable play on an acts moniker. KD
Only Real – Blood Carpet
More Info: Official & Facebook
Buy Songs: Only Real
Year: 2013
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