Dede – This Time

Dede Reynolds

Despite an almost overwhelming sense of destiny it looks like Dede (Dede Reynolds and her partner Tim) have moved on to a new project called Tiny Hearts. Seems BBC1 radio have picked up on them so maybe it’ll be second time lucky. For the moment though we’ve got to revisit those first steps back in 2011 which were seemingly as well funded as they were beautifully sculpted. Can’t for the life of me understand how songs like ‘This Time’ aren’t annoying us at this stage (their bandcamp page has 3 likes for gawds sake) but for some reason the expected appreciation feel flat on its collective face. This is so lush and gorgeously put together it will likely be picked up several decades down the line just as Dede are about to open their second sweet soap megastore. KD

Dede – This Time

More Info: Official
Buy Songs: Dede
Year: 2011

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