Oh my there is a flotilla of harmony and chords to disentangle in our heads,… Read the postForest Ray – Black Pine
You know I had it pegged as too retro, country and old timey folk for… Read the postChelsea Williams – Beautiful and Strange
Such latent energy from this indie (country) whirl, in fact I’d go so far as… Read the postOSHENS – Beach Slutz
What a fulsome sound, a countrier version of Teenage Fanclub with all manner of harmonies… Read the postBrothers Fortune – Texas
The kind of song you’d hope to happen upon while scanning the radio dial on… Read the postThe Little Miss – A Ride Along the Mountain Valley
Well in terms of creating the old western saloon it wins the task hands down,… Read the postSam Valdez – Farther Away
We all need to take a little time, hopefully in the company of songs such… Read the postThe Yellow-Bellied Sapsuckers – Fools Were Made to be Broken
Taken from 2008’s Smoke A’ Risin’ this is the perfect introduction to Austin’s alt-country entry… Read the postTrey Brown – Don’t You See?
Can’t beat a bit of alt country with a singer that sounds all the world… Read the postNikki Lane – Gone, Gone, Gone
It’s not a new trick, this beauty and the grizzled old bear routine because one… Read the postKen Stringfellow – Doesn’t It Remind You of Something (feat. Charity Rose Thielen)
It takes a certain type of song to slot into the Sunday morning doze. Noise… Read the postThe Sister Ruby Band – Graceland Smile Read the postThe Sister Ruby Band – Graceland Smile
It might be from a different stratosphere to the one that propelled Mitch Davis to… Read the postOrba Squara – The Trouble With Flying Read the postOrba Squara – The Trouble With Flying